Ferocious Ghost Monster Eggs
Pet Egg

A magical monster eggs, which can hatch evil ghost monster. "Hey ~ lovely friend, you hungry ah ~ want to eat dumplings? ......" If you walk alone at night and hear a voice saying these words, Do NOT answer! They will follow you.

Availability Date

01 October 2019



  "id": 3000558,
  "Desc": "##101321",
  "Icon": "item_3000558",
  "Type": 101,
  "MaxNum": 1,
  "NameZh": "##101188",
  "Feature": 1,
  "SellPrice": 100,
  "ValidDate": "2019-10-01 05:00:00",
  "TFValidDate": "2019-10-01 05:00:00"