Galaxy Array
Lvl: 1 Switch

After it is unlocked and activated, a Stellar Map will appear behind the character, which contains five Horoscopes.

Every time a Kick Skill is cast or triggered, there is a 60%% chance to light up a Horoscope. With each Horoscope lit up, the possibility of light-up lowers by 10%%.

It cannot be activated together with the Rotation of Sun and Moon.


  "id": 2443001,
  "Cost": 1,
  "Desc": [
      "id": 2443000
  "Icon": "skill_2443001",
  "Level": 1,
  "DescId": "##1255147",
  "NameZh": "##1255019",
  "ItemCost": [
      "id": 12903,
      "count": 750
  "Contidion": {
    "skillid": 2442001
  "SkillType": "Switch",
  "Logic_Param": {
    "switchBuffs": [
  "ExtraMaxLevel": 0