Holy Cross
Lvl: 1
Skill Delay: 1.5 sec
SP: 9
Range: 2
Attacks the target with the power of the holy cross, dealing Atk×330% holy Dmg +M.Atk×330% holy M.Dmg to an enemy. Has a 3% chance to blind the target for 10 sec. Deals half damage when equipped with non-spear weapon
Lvl: 19
Skill Delay: 1.5 sec
SP: 45
Range: 2
• Attacks the target with the power of the holy cross, dealing Atk×870% holy Dmg +M.Atk×870% holy M.Dmg to an enemy. Has a 57% chance to blind the target for 10 sec. Deals half damage when equipped with non-spear weapon
Lvl: 18
Skill Delay: 1.5 sec
SP: 43
Range: 2
• Attacks the target with the power of the holy cross, dealing Atk×840% holy Dmg +M.Atk×840% holy M.Dmg to an enemy. Has a 54% chance to blind the target for 10 sec. Deals half damage when equipped with non-spear weapon
Lvl: 17
Skill Delay: 1.5 sec
SP: 41
Range: 2
• Attacks the target with the power of the holy cross, dealing Atk×810% holy Dmg +M.Atk×810% holy M.Dmg to an enemy. Has a 51% chance to blind the target for 10 sec. Deals half damage when equipped with non-spear weapon
Lvl: 16
Skill Delay: 1.5 sec
SP: 39
Range: 2
• Attacks the target with the power of the holy cross, dealing Atk×780% holy Dmg +M.Atk×780% holy M.Dmg to an enemy. Has a 48% chance to blind the target for 10 sec. Deals half damage when equipped with non-spear weapon
Lvl: 15
Skill Delay: 1.5 sec
SP: 37
Range: 2
• Attacks the target with the power of the holy cross, dealing Atk×750% holy Dmg +M.Atk×750% holy M.Dmg to an enemy. Has a 45% chance to blind the target for 10 sec. Deals half damage when equipped with non-spear weapon
Lvl: 14
Skill Delay: 1.5 sec
SP: 35
Range: 2
• Attacks the target with the power of the holy cross, dealing Atk×720% holy Dmg +M.Atk×720% holy M.Dmg to an enemy. Has a 42% chance to blind the target for 10 sec. Deals half damage when equipped with non-spear weapon
Lvl: 13
Skill Delay: 1.5 sec
SP: 33
Range: 2
• Attacks the target with the power of the holy cross, dealing Atk×690% holy Dmg +M.Atk×690% holy M.Dmg to an enemy. Has a 39% chance to blind the target for 10 sec. Deals half damage when equipped with non-spear weapon
Lvl: 12
Skill Delay: 1.5 sec
SP: 31
Range: 2
• Attacks the target with the power of the holy cross, dealing Atk×660% holy Dmg +M.Atk×660% holy M.Dmg to an enemy. Has a 36% chance to blind the target for 10 sec. Deals half damage when equipped with non-spear weapon
Lvl: 11
Skill Delay: 1.5 sec
SP: 29
Range: 2
• Attacks the target with the power of the holy cross, dealing Atk×630% holy Dmg +M.Atk×630% holy M.Dmg to an enemy. Has a 33% chance to blind the target for 10 sec. Deals half damage when equipped with non-spear weapon
Lvl: 10
Skill Delay: 1.5 sec
SP: 27
Range: 2
• Attacks the target with the power of the holy cross, dealing Atk×600% holy Dmg +M.Atk×600% holy M.Dmg to an enemy. Has a 30% chance to blind the target for 10 sec. Deals half damage when equipped with non-spear weapon
Lvl: 9
Skill Delay: 1.5 sec
SP: 25
Range: 2
• Attacks the target with the power of the holy cross, dealing Atk×570% holy Dmg +M.Atk×570% holy M.Dmg to an enemy. Has a 27% chance to blind the target for 10 sec. Deals half damage when equipped with non-spear weapon
Lvl: 8
Skill Delay: 1.5 sec
SP: 23
Range: 2
• Attacks the target with the power of the holy cross, dealing Atk×540% holy Dmg +M.Atk×540% holy M.Dmg to an enemy. Has a 24% chance to blind the target for 10 sec. Deals half damage when equipped with non-spear weapon
Lvl: 7
Skill Delay: 1.5 sec
SP: 21
Range: 2
• Attacks the target with the power of the holy cross, dealing Atk×510% holy Dmg +M.Atk×510% holy M.Dmg to an enemy. Has a 21% chance to blind the target for 10 sec. Deals half damage when equipped with non-spear weapon
Lvl: 6
Skill Delay: 1.5 sec
SP: 19
Range: 2
• Attacks the target with the power of the holy cross, dealing Atk×480% holy Dmg +M.Atk×480% holy M.Dmg to an enemy. Has a 18% chance to blind the target for 10 sec. Deals half damage when equipped with non-spear weapon
Lvl: 5
Skill Delay: 1.5 sec
SP: 17
Range: 2
• Attacks the target with the power of the holy cross, dealing Atk×450% holy Dmg +M.Atk×450% holy M.Dmg to an enemy. Has a 15% chance to blind the target for 10 sec. Deals half damage when equipped with non-spear weapon
Lvl: 4
Skill Delay: 1.5 sec
SP: 15
Range: 2
• Attacks the target with the power of the holy cross, dealing Atk×420% holy Dmg +M.Atk×420% holy M.Dmg to an enemy. Has a 12% chance to blind the target for 10 sec. Deals half damage when equipped with non-spear weapon
Lvl: 3
Skill Delay: 1.5 sec
SP: 13
Range: 2
• Attacks the target with the power of the holy cross, dealing Atk×390% holy Dmg +M.Atk×390% holy M.Dmg to an enemy. Has a 9% chance to blind the target for 10 sec. Deals half damage when equipped with non-spear weapon
Lvl: 2
Skill Delay: 1.5 sec
SP: 11
Range: 2
• Attacks the target with the power of the holy cross, dealing Atk×360% holy Dmg +M.Atk×360% holy M.Dmg to an enemy. Has a 6% chance to blind the target for 10 sec. Deals half damage when equipped with non-spear weapon
Lvl: 1
Skill Delay: 1.5 sec
SP: 9
Range: 2
• Attacks the target with the power of the holy cross, dealing Atk×330% holy Dmg +M.Atk×330% holy M.Dmg to an enemy. Has a 3% chance to blind the target for 10 sec. Deals half damage when equipped with non-spear weapon
• Holy Cross - Empower [Holy Cross] Dmg +10%
function CommonFun.calcDamage_7201(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
local Str = srcUser:GetProperty("Str")
local Dex = srcUser:GetProperty("Dex")
local Luk = srcUser:GetProperty("Luk")
local Int = srcUser:GetProperty("Int")
local Atk = srcUser:GetProperty("Atk")
local AtkPer = srcUser:GetProperty("AtkPer")
local DamIncrease = srcUser:GetProperty("DamIncrease")
local MAtk = srcUser:GetProperty("MAtk")
local MAtkPer = srcUser:GetProperty("MAtkPer")
local IgnoreDef = 0
local IgnoreDef1 = srcUser:GetProperty("IgnoreDef")
local IgnoreDef2 = srcUser:GetProperty("IgnoreEquipDef")
local WeaponType = srcUser:GetEquipedWeaponType()
if targetUser.boss or targetUser.mini then
IgnoreDef = IgnoreDef1
IgnoreDef = IgnoreDef1 + IgnoreDef2
if 1 <= IgnoreDef then
IgnoreDef = 1
local Refine = srcUser:GetProperty("Refine")
local Def2 = targetUser:GetProperty("Def")
local DefPer2 = targetUser:GetProperty("DefPer")
local Vit2 = targetUser:GetProperty("Vit")
local VitPer2 = targetUser:GetProperty("VitPer")
local DamReduc2 = CommonFun.calcDamReDuc(srcUser, targetUser)
local RefineDamReduc = targetUser:GetProperty("RefineDamReduc")
local MRefine = srcUser:GetProperty("MRefine")
local MDamIncrease = CommonFun.calcMDamIncrease(srcUser, targetUser)
local IgnoreMDef = srcUser:GetProperty("IgnoreMDef")
if 1 <= IgnoreMDef then
IgnoreMDef = 1
local MDef2 = targetUser:GetProperty("MDef")
local MDefPer2 = targetUser:GetProperty("MDefPer")
local Vit2 = targetUser:GetProperty("Vit")
local VitPer2 = targetUser:GetProperty("VitPer")
local Int2 = targetUser:GetProperty("Int")
local IntPer2 = targetUser:GetProperty("IntPer")
local MDamReduc2 = CommonFun.calcMDamReDuc(srcUser, targetUser)
local RefineMDamReduc = targetUser:GetProperty("RefineMDamReduc")
local damChangePer = damageParam.damChangePer
local raceparam = CommonFun.CalcRaceParam(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
local bodyparam = CommonFun.CalcBodyParam(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
local elementparam = CommonFun.CalcElementParam(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
local bossparam = CommonFun.CalcBossParam(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
local raceparam2 = CommonFun.CalcRaceParam2(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
local bodyparam2 = CommonFun.CalcBodyParam2(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
local elementparam2 = CommonFun.CalcElementParam2(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
local bossparam2 = CommonFun.CalcBossParam2(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
local Num1 = srcUser:GetRunePoint(70020_AESIR_HOLY_CROSS_DMG_10)
local RuneDamage = 1 + 0.1 * Num1
local skilllv_1 = srcUser:GetLernedSkillLevel(362_RUNE_KNIGHT:PROVIDENCE)
local Skilldamage = skilllv_1 * 0.2
local EquipDamage = 0
local RefineDamage = 0
local RefineLv = srcUser:GetEquipedRefineLv(7_WEAPON)
if srcUser:HasBuffID(40380_SPEARFISH_PIKE_:MAX_STACK_0) then
EquipDamage = 1
RefineDamage = 0.3 * RefineLv
local EquipDamage_1 = 0
if srcUser:HasBuffID(90001253_SPEARFISH_PIKE_R4_:MAX_STACK_0) then
EquipDamage_1 = 0.5
if srcUser:HasBuffID(41770_DEEP_SEA_FEAR_:MAX_STACK_0) then
EquipDamage = EquipDamage + 1.5
RefineDamage = RefineDamage + 0.3 * RefineLv
local BaseAtk = Str * 2 + math.floor(Str * Str / 100) + math.floor(Dex / 5) + math.floor(Luk / 5)
local AtkFinal = ((Atk - BaseAtk) * (1 + AtkPer) * CommonFun.ShapeCorrection(srcUser, targetUser) * bodyparam * elementparam * elementparam2 + BaseAtk) * raceparam * bossparam * bossparam2
local DefReduc = CommonFun.CalcDef(srcUser, targetUser)
local ShortRangeDamReduc2 = targetUser:GetProperty("ShortRangeDamReduc")
local BaseLvDamage = 0
local IBaseLv = srcUser.BaseLv
if srcUser:HasBuffID(42190_SILVER_GLAIVE_:MAX_STACK_0) then
BaseLvDamage = IBaseLv * 20
local A = (AtkFinal * DefReduc * (1 - DamReduc2) + Refine) * (damChangePer + Skilldamage + EquipDamage + RefineDamage + EquipDamage_1) * (1 + DamIncrease - ShortRangeDamReduc2) * (1 - RefineDamReduc) - Vit2 * (1 + VitPer2)
if A <= 1 then
A = 1
local srcAtkElement = 6
local targetDefElement = targetUser:GetProperty("DefAttr")
local BaseMAtk = Int + math.floor(Int * Int / 100)
local MAtkFinal = ((MAtk - BaseMAtk) * (1 + MAtkPer) + BaseMAtk) * raceparam
local MDefReduc = CommonFun.CalcMDef(srcUser, targetUser)
local B = (MAtkFinal * MDefReduc * (1 - MDamReduc2) + MRefine) * (damChangePer + Skilldamage + EquipDamage + RefineDamage) * (1 - RefineMDamReduc) * (1 + MDamIncrease) * CommonFun.calcMagicElement(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam) * elementparam2 - Vit2 / 2 * (1 + VitPer2) - Int2 * (1 + IntPer2)
if B <= 1 then
B = 1
local C = (A + B) * RuneDamage + BaseLvDamage
local WeaponType = srcUser:GetEquipedWeaponType()
if WeaponType ~= 170 then
C = C * 0.5
return C
"id": 115110,
"BuffDesc": "Darkness: Decrease Flee & Hit",
"BuffIcon": "skillbuff_82001",
"BuffName": "Holy Cross [Darkness]",
"BuffRate": {
"Odds": {
"a": 3,
"b": 0,
"type": 186
"BuffType": {
"isgain": 0,
"isdisperse": 1
"IconType": 1,
"BuffEffect": {
"type": "StatusChange",
"HitPer": -0.5,
"FleePer": -0.5,
"AttrEffect3": [
"StateEffect": "12_Dark"
"id": 354001,
"Buff": {
"enemy": [
"Cost": 1,
"Desc": [
"id": 354000,
"params": [
"Icon": "skill_354001",
"Camps": "Enemy",
"Level": 1,
"Logic": "SkillLockedTarget",
"Damage": [
"type": 7201,
"damChangePer": 3.3,
"elementparam": 6
"DescId": "##170670",
"NameZh": "##169161",
"NextID": 354002,
"SE_hit": "Skill/skill_magic_holy_hit_01",
"DamTime": {
"type": 1,
"value": 2
"DelayCD": 1.5,
"Fire_EP": 3,
"Pvp_buff": {
"enemy": [
"RollType": 1,
"AttackAct": [
"Attack_EP": 3,
"SE_attack": "Skill/skill_magic_spiral_attack",
"SkillCost": {
"sp": 9
"SkillType": "Attack",
"Target_EP": 0,
"DamageType": 1,
"Launch_Range": 2