Injects spirit bombs into an enemy, dealing Atk×(2 +1.5*3 +(Def/120)) lane Dmg. Ignores Flee and defense. Enemies with high Def suffers high Dmg
In 150 sec, Grants all Party members equipped with Axe and Maces type weapons 21% attack speed. Grants 7% Attack Spd for those equipped with other weapons
Lord Knight provides 12% DMG for the whole Party for 30 sec
Deals (M.Atk*150%) water M.Dmg to the target. Has a 50% chance to freeze it for 15 sec
Raises the ground of the target area, dealing (M.Atk700%) earth M.Dmg to units in it.
Increases caster’s Move Spd by 10%, Flee and Crit.Res by 10, and Magic Reduc. by 10% for 12s. When the skill expires, decreases AGI by 5, Attack Spd by 3% and Move Spd by 10% for 6s
Attacks the target with the power of the holy cross, dealing Atk×330% holy Dmg +M.Atk×330% holy M.Dmg to an enemy. Has a 3% chance to blind the target for 10 sec. Deals half damage when equipped with non-spear weapon
Become the vessel of Epiclesis. Within 120s, increases overall abilities by 7, HIT, Atk and M.Atk by 70
Creates blizzard, dealing (M. ATK *220%) water M. DMG to all enemies in the target area and knocking them back. Has a 50% chance to freeze them for 7 sec
Shoots 4 waves of arrows to the target area, each wave dealing (Atk105%) Dmg to up to 8 enemy units.
Spreads plague to an enemy, dealing (Atk60%) Dmg to the target and all nearby enemies. If the target is poisoned, the poison spreads to all enemies in the area. The poison effects stack up to 3 layers
For 110 seconds, increases self Atk by 5%, increases the whole Party's Atk by 5%
Channels lightning strikes, dealing (M.Atk*200%) wind M.Dmg to all enemies in the target area and knocking them back. Has a 20% chance to blind them. The skill takes effects for up to 2 times
Restore (68* Rounded ( (BaseLv+INT) /10) ) HP to self and allies. When the targets are undead monsters, the skill deals Holy Damage: 100% Healing Value/2
When attacked, self won’t pause or get knocked back but gains 20 M.Def. Endure lasts 13 sec but ends instantly after taking 8 attacks.
Shoots 4 waves of arrows to the target area, each wave dealing (Atk165%) Dmg to up to 8 enemy units.
Knocks back all nearby units and deals (Atk205%) fire Dmg. Applies Auto Attacks with fire attribute and gains 20% Atk damage. Lasts 10 sec
The priest prays for the allies. Increases partymembers' ATK by 24, increase self's Ignore Def and monster size damage by 30 for Auto Attack damage. The effect will last for 120 seconds.
The priest prays for the allies. Increases partymembers' ATK by 56, increase self's Ignore Def and monster size damage by 70 for Auto Attack damage. The effect will last for 120 seconds.
Super Novice receives the Eden Team's blessings, becoming immune to magic damage for 30 sec. This effect ends once magic damage is taken 9 times.
Silences an enemy for 20 sec
Use a thin layer of transparent Ghost power to cover 1 enemy unit, with a 30% chance to immobilize them. In this state, they won't take any DMG other than Ghost DMG. White Prison lasts 5s, after which the target loses 8% HP. When used against an MVP or Mini monster, the DMG is reduced to a fixed amount of HP loss, and it has no DMG negation effect.
Has a 24% chance to petrify all enemies in the target area (Suffers less earth Dmg/more fire Dmg). Lasts 60 sec. Every 5 sec, petrified units lose 1% HP still they have ~25% HP remaining.
Instantly increases Atk of Assassin Cross by 9% for 120 sec
Use swordsmanship to block the attacks of enemy units. When taking damage, it triggers at 23%, and after success, it reduces the damage taken by 100%. This effect lasts for 30 seconds. The probability of triggering this skill in the arena is affected by the opponent's Dex and one's own Agi. When casting the skill, you must be equipped with a sword-type weapon under the Equipment category.
Increases caster’s Move Spd by 10%, Flee and Crit.Res by 10, and Magic Reduc. by 10% for 12s. When the skill expires, decreases AGI by 5, Attack Spd by 3% and Move Spd by 10% for 6s
Removes poison from self and one ally and makes them immune to poison for 10s
When attacked, self won’t pause or get knocked back but gains 90 M.Def. Endure lasts 34 sec but ends instantly after taking 15 attacks.
The faith in the light grants Holy attribute to the Royal Guard and 1 ally's armor for 20s
Cost 4000 Zeny to increase your own Dmg by 30%; the effect lasts 180 seconds