Absolute Penetration
Lvl: 10 Attack Physical CD: 3 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec Range: 7

Aims at an enemy, charges briefly, and deals neutral Phy. DMG equal to ([Crack Shot] x130% +Phy. ATK x opponent's Phy. DEF/500) to the target when the charge is completed. The damage is increased by 50% for each additional second of charge. Move or click again to stop the charge and shoot directly. It can be charged for up to 5 sec and ignores Phy. DEF when fully charged. Consumes 1 bullet and requires a Rifle Gun to use. The skill ignores the effect of [Light Shield], [Auto Guard], [Sword Parry], and [Kyrie Eleison].

Lvl: 9 Attack Physical CD: 3 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec Range: 7
• Aims at an enemy, charges briefly, and deals neutral Phy. DMG equal to ([Crack Shot] x127% +Phy. ATK x opponent's Phy. DEF/500) to the target when the charge is completed. The damage is increased by 50% for each additional second of charge. Move or click again to stop the charge and shoot directly. It can be charged for up to 5 sec and ignores Phy. DEF when fully charged. Consumes 1 bullet and requires a Rifle Gun to use. The skill ignores the effect of [Light Shield], [Auto Guard], [Sword Parry], and [Kyrie Eleison].
Lvl: 8 Attack Physical CD: 3 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec Range: 7
• Aims at an enemy, charges briefly, and deals neutral Phy. DMG equal to ([Crack Shot] x124% +Phy. ATK x opponent's Phy. DEF/500) to the target when the charge is completed. The damage is increased by 50% for each additional second of charge. Move or click again to stop the charge and shoot directly. It can be charged for up to 5 sec and ignores Phy. DEF when fully charged. Consumes 1 bullet and requires a Rifle Gun to use. The skill ignores the effect of [Light Shield], [Auto Guard], [Sword Parry], and [Kyrie Eleison].
Lvl: 7 Attack Physical CD: 3 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec Range: 7
• Aims at an enemy, charges briefly, and deals neutral Phy. DMG equal to ([Crack Shot] x121% +Phy. ATK x opponent's Phy. DEF/500) to the target when the charge is completed. The damage is increased by 50% for each additional second of charge. Move or click again to stop the charge and shoot directly. It can be charged for up to 5 sec and ignores Phy. DEF when fully charged. Consumes 1 bullet and requires a Rifle Gun to use. The skill ignores the effect of [Light Shield], [Auto Guard], [Sword Parry], and [Kyrie Eleison].
Lvl: 6 Attack Physical CD: 3 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec Range: 7
• Aims at an enemy, charges briefly, and deals neutral Phy. DMG equal to ([Crack Shot] x118% +Phy. ATK x opponent's Phy. DEF/500) to the target when the charge is completed. The damage is increased by 50% for each additional second of charge. Move or click again to stop the charge and shoot directly. It can be charged for up to 5 sec and ignores Phy. DEF when fully charged. Consumes 1 bullet and requires a Rifle Gun to use. The skill ignores the effect of [Light Shield], [Auto Guard], [Sword Parry], and [Kyrie Eleison].
Lvl: 5 Attack Physical CD: 3 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec Range: 7
• Aims at an enemy, charges briefly, and deals neutral Phy. DMG equal to ([Crack Shot] x115% +Phy. ATK x opponent's Phy. DEF/500) to the target when the charge is completed. The damage is increased by 50% for each additional second of charge. Move or click again to stop the charge and shoot directly. It can be charged for up to 5 sec and ignores Phy. DEF when fully charged. Consumes 1 bullet and requires a Rifle Gun to use. The skill ignores the effect of [Light Shield], [Auto Guard], [Sword Parry], and [Kyrie Eleison].
Lvl: 4 Attack Physical CD: 3 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec Range: 7
• Aims at an enemy, charges briefly, and deals neutral Phy. DMG equal to ([Crack Shot] x112% +Phy. ATK x opponent's Phy. DEF/500) to the target when the charge is completed. The damage is increased by 50% for each additional second of charge. Move or click again to stop the charge and shoot directly. It can be charged for up to 5 sec and ignores Phy. DEF when fully charged. Consumes 1 bullet and requires a Rifle Gun to use. The skill ignores the effect of [Light Shield], [Auto Guard], [Sword Parry], and [Kyrie Eleison].
Lvl: 3 Attack Physical CD: 3 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec Range: 7
• Aims at an enemy, charges briefly, and deals neutral Phy. DMG equal to ([Crack Shot] x109% +Phy. ATK x opponent's Phy. DEF/500) to the target when the charge is completed. The damage is increased by 50% for each additional second of charge. Move or click again to stop the charge and shoot directly. It can be charged for up to 5 sec and ignores Phy. DEF when fully charged. Consumes 1 bullet and requires a Rifle Gun to use. The skill ignores the effect of [Light Shield], [Auto Guard], [Sword Parry], and [Kyrie Eleison].
Lvl: 2 Attack Physical CD: 3 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec Range: 7
• Aims at an enemy, charges briefly, and deals neutral Phy. DMG equal to ([Crack Shot] x106% +Phy. ATK x opponent's Phy. DEF/500) to the target when the charge is completed. The damage is increased by 50% for each additional second of charge. Move or click again to stop the charge and shoot directly. It can be charged for up to 5 sec and ignores Phy. DEF when fully charged. Consumes 1 bullet and requires a Rifle Gun to use. The skill ignores the effect of [Light Shield], [Auto Guard], [Sword Parry], and [Kyrie Eleison].
Lvl: 1 Attack Physical CD: 3 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec Range: 7
• Aims at an enemy, charges briefly, and deals neutral Phy. DMG equal to ([Crack Shot] x103% +Phy. ATK x opponent's Phy. DEF/500) to the target when the charge is completed. The damage is increased by 50% for each additional second of charge. Move or click again to stop the charge and shoot directly. It can be charged for up to 5 sec and ignores Phy. DEF when fully charged. Consumes 1 bullet and requires a Rifle Gun to use. The skill ignores the effect of [Light Shield], [Auto Guard], [Sword Parry], and [Kyrie Eleison].


function CommonFun.calcDamage_17303(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local Str = srcUser:GetProperty("Str")
  local Dex = srcUser:GetProperty("Dex")
  local Luk = srcUser:GetProperty("Luk")
  local Luk2 = targetUser:GetProperty("Luk")
  local Atk = srcUser:GetProperty("Atk")
  local AtkPer = srcUser:GetProperty("AtkPer")
  local DamIncrease = srcUser:GetProperty("DamIncrease")
  local IgnoreDef = 0
  local IgnoreDef1 = srcUser:GetProperty("IgnoreDef")
  local IgnoreDef2 = srcUser:GetProperty("IgnoreEquipDef")
  if targetUser.boss or targetUser.mini then
    IgnoreDef = IgnoreDef1
    IgnoreDef = IgnoreDef1 + IgnoreDef2
  if 1 <= IgnoreDef then
    IgnoreDef = 1
  local Refine = srcUser:GetProperty("Refine")
  local Def2 = targetUser:GetProperty("Def")
  local DefPer2 = targetUser:GetProperty("DefPer")
  local Vit2 = targetUser:GetProperty("Vit")
  local VitPer2 = targetUser:GetProperty("VitPer")
  local DamReduc2 = CommonFun.calcDamReDuc(srcUser, targetUser)
  local RefineDamReduc = targetUser:GetProperty("RefineDamReduc")
  local AttrEffect2 = srcUser:GetProperty("AttrEffect")
  local bits2 = CommonFun.getBits(AttrEffect2)
  local raceparam = CommonFun.CalcRaceParam(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local bodyparam = CommonFun.CalcBodyParam(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local elementparam = CommonFun.CalcElementParam(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local bossparam = CommonFun.CalcBossParam(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local raceparam2 = CommonFun.CalcRaceParam2(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local bodyparam2 = CommonFun.CalcBodyParam2(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local elementparam2 = CommonFun.CalcElementParam2(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local bossparam2 = CommonFun.CalcBossParam2(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local BaseAtk = Dex * 2 + math.floor(Dex * Dex / 100) + math.floor(Str / 5) + math.floor(Luk / 5)
  local skilllv = srcUser:GetLernedSkillLevel(2206_STELLAR_HUNTER:MAGICAL_BULLET)
  local MAtk = srcUser:GetProperty("MAtk")
  local MAtkPer = srcUser:GetProperty("MAtkPer")
  local Magic = 0
  local Num4 = srcUser:GetRunePoint(173015_AESIR_THE_M_ATK_BONUS_OF_MAGICAL_BULLET_IS_INCREASED_BY_3)
  if 0 < skilllv then
    Magic = MAtk * (1 + MAtkPer) * (math.min(skilllv, 10) * 0.05 + Num4 * 0.03)
  local AtkFinal = ((Atk - BaseAtk) * (1 + AtkPer) * CommonFun.ShapeCorrection(srcUser, targetUser) * bodyparam * elementparam * elementparam2 + BaseAtk + Magic) * raceparam * bossparam * bossparam2
  local DefReduc = CommonFun.CalcDef(srcUser, targetUser)
  local LongRangeDamReduc2 = targetUser:GetProperty("LongRangeDamReduc")
  local damChangePer = damageParam.damChangePer
  local Rune = 1
  local Num1 = srcUser:GetRunePoint(173018_AESIR_POINT_SHOOTING_DMG_6)
  local Num2 = srcUser:GetRunePoint(173035_AESIR_CRACK_SHOT_DMG_5)
  local targetid = targetUser:GetGuid()
  local distance = srcUser:GetDistance(targetid)
  local dis_ratio = 1
  if 0 < Num3 and 1 <= distance then
    dis_ratio = 1 + Num3 * 0.01 * math.floor(distance)
  local Rifle = 1
  local RefineLv = srcUser:GetEquipedRefineLv(7_WEAPON)
  local skillID, skillLevel = CommonFun.UnmergeSkillID(params.skillIDAndLevel)
    local skilllv1 = srcUser:GetLernedSkillLevel(2227_STELLAR_HUNTER:CRACK_SHOT)
    local skilllv2 = srcUser:GetLernedSkillLevel(2243_STELLAR_HUNTER:ABSOLUTE_PENETRATION)
    local DefParam = Def2 * (1 + DefPer2) / 500
    local ChantTime = srcUser:GetCurChantTime()
    local skilllv_luk = srcUser:GetLernedSkillLevel(2264_STELLAR_HUNTER:THOROUGH_THROUGH_VITAL_PART_STRIKE)
    AtkFinal = AtkFinal + skilllv_luk * Luk * 3
    if srcUser:HasBuffID(45040_TERMINATOR_SNIPER_RIFLE_:MAX_STACK_0) then
      Rifle = 1 + RefineLv * 0.01
      Rifle = 1 + RefineLv * 0.02
    if srcUser:HasBuffID(90004674_ASSAULT_TERMINATOR_1_T5_:MAX_STACK_0) then
      Rifle = Rifle + 0.15
    local mapid, maptype = srcUser:GetMapInfo()
    if (maptype == PVP_MAPS) and 3000 <= ChantTime then
      local skilllv3 = srcUser:GetLernedSkillLevel(2263_STELLAR_HUNTER:THOROUGH_THROUGH_HEAD_SHOT)
      local KillRate = (Luk - Luk2) * skilllv3 * 0.01
      if srcUser:HasBuffID(21730040_HEAD_SHOT_CHANCE_IN_THE_HAWK_EYES_STATE_:MAX_STACK_0) and srcUser:HasBuffID(133769_HAWK_EYES_MODE_:MAX_STACK_0) then
        KillRate = KillRate + 5
        KillRate = KillRate + 7
      if srcUser:HasBuffID(45265_CAN_T_BE_ATTACKED_:MAX_STACK_0) or srcUser:HasBuffID(45275_CAN_T_BE_ATTACKED_:MAX_STACK_0) then
        KillRate = KillRate * 1.77
    Rune = 1 + Num2 * 0.05
    damChangePer = ((skilllv1 * 0.6 + 12) * (1 + skilllv2 * 0.03) * Rune * Rifle + DefParam) * (1 + math.floor(ChantTime / 1000) * 0.5)
    Rune = 1
    Rifle = 1
    if 4900 <= ChantTime then
      DefReduc = 1
    local GemValue = srcUser:GetGemValue(173151_POINT_SHOOTING_DMG_PERCENTAGE)
    local GemDam = 1 + GemValue / 100000
    Rune = (1 + Num1 * 0.06) * GemDam
  if skillID == 2227_STELLAR_HUNTER:CRACK_SHOT then
    Rune = 1 + Num2 * 0.05
    if srcUser:HasBuffID(45040_TERMINATOR_SNIPER_RIFLE_:MAX_STACK_0) then
      Rifle = 1 + RefineLv * 0.01
      Rifle = 1 + RefineLv * 0.02
    if srcUser:HasBuffID(90004674_ASSAULT_TERMINATOR_1_T5_:MAX_STACK_0) then
      Rifle = Rifle + 0.15
  local A = ((AtkFinal * DefReduc * (1 - DamReduc2) + Refine) * damChangePer * (1 - RefineDamReduc) * (1 + DamIncrease - LongRangeDamReduc2) - Vit2 * (1 + VitPer2)) * Rune * dis_ratio * Rifle
  if A <= 1 then
    return 1
  return A


  "id": 133820,
  "BuffName": "Head Shot",
  "BuffRate": {
    "Odds": {
      "type": 3069
  "BuffEffect": {
    "type": "AttrChange",
    "end_extra_buff": [
  "BuffStateID": 133820


  "id": 133821,
  "BuffName": "Head Shot",
  "BuffRate": {
    "Odds": 100
  "BuffEffect": {
    "type": "Kill"


  "CD": 3,
  "id": 2243010,
  "Buff": {
    "enemy": [
  "Cost": 1,
  "Desc": [
      "id": 2243000,
      "params": [
  "Icon": "skill_2243001",
  "Camps": "Enemy",
  "Level": 10,
  "Logic": "SkillLockedTarget",
  "Damage": [
      "type": 17303,
      "damChangePer": 0,
      "elementparam": 5
  "DescId": "##2818718",
  "NameZh": "##1113105",
  "CastAct": "skill_ready",
  "DamTime": {
    "type": 1,
    "value": 3
  "DelayCD": 1,
  "Fire_EP": 6,
  "SE_cast": "Skill/skil_gunner_6_cast",
  "ItemCost": [
      "id": 12903,
      "count": 2100
  "Pvp_buff": {
    "enemy": [
  "RollType": 1,
  "AttackAct": [
  "Attack_EP": 2,
  "Lead_Type": {
    "type": 1,
    "ReadyTime": 5
  "SE_attack": "skill/skil_gunner_6_attack",
  "SkillCost": [
      "num": 1,
      "specialType": 4
  "SkillType": "Attack",
  "Target_EP": 3,
  "DamageType": 1,
  "CastLock_EP": 1,
  "E_Attack_On": 1,
  "Logic_Param": {
    "emit": {
      "type": 1,
      "speed": 60,
      "effect": "gunman_jdgt_bullet",
      "single_fire": true
    "concurrent": 1,
    "moveRunChant": 1
  "Launch_Range": 7,
  "PreCondition": [
      "type": 2,
      "itemtype": 320
  "ExtraMaxLevel": 1