Fatal Dream
Lvl: 10 Attack Magic CD: 8 sec Skill Delay: 2 sec SP: 440 Range: 6 Cast Time: 6

Hela locks onto an enemy causing it to fall into a sweet nightmare, and Nightmare Scatter deals M. ATK *4500% Poison M. DMG to it and enemies 5 meters around it. For every 10 attribute points reduced from the opponent by interference, an additional 4% of damage is added. If the opponent's remaining HP is less than 10%, they will be executed (each level of [Frustration] increases the execute limit by 3% up to 15%, execute is not effective against monsters)

Lvl: 9 Attack Magic CD: 8 sec Skill Delay: 2 sec SP: 400 Range: 6 Cast Time: 5.5
• Hela locks onto an enemy causing it to fall into a sweet nightmare, and Nightmare Scatter deals M. ATK *4200% Poison M. DMG to it and enemies 5 meters around it. For every 10 attribute points reduced from the opponent by interference, an additional 4% of damage is added. If the opponent's remaining HP is less than 10%, they will be executed (each level of [Frustration] increases the execute limit by 3% up to 15%, execute is not effective against monsters)
Lvl: 8 Attack Magic CD: 8 sec Skill Delay: 2 sec SP: 360 Range: 6 Cast Time: 5
• Hela locks onto an enemy causing it to fall into a sweet nightmare, and Nightmare Scatter deals M. ATK *3900% Poison M. DMG to it and enemies 5 meters around it. For every 10 attribute points reduced from the opponent by interference, an additional 4% of damage is added. If the opponent's remaining HP is less than 10%, they will be executed (each level of [Frustration] increases the execute limit by 3% up to 15%, execute is not effective against monsters)
Lvl: 7 Attack Magic CD: 8 sec Skill Delay: 2 sec SP: 320 Range: 6 Cast Time: 4.5
• Hela locks onto an enemy causing it to fall into a sweet nightmare, and Nightmare Scatter deals M. ATK *3600% Poison M. DMG to it and enemies 5 meters around it. For every 10 attribute points reduced from the opponent by interference, an additional 4% of damage is added. If the opponent's remaining HP is less than 10%, they will be executed (each level of [Frustration] increases the execute limit by 3% up to 15%, execute is not effective against monsters)
Lvl: 6 Attack Magic CD: 8 sec Skill Delay: 2 sec SP: 280 Range: 6 Cast Time: 4
• Hela locks onto an enemy causing it to fall into a sweet nightmare, and Nightmare Scatter deals M. ATK *3300% Poison M. DMG to it and enemies 5 meters around it. For every 10 attribute points reduced from the opponent by interference, an additional 4% of damage is added. If the opponent's remaining HP is less than 10%, they will be executed (each level of [Frustration] increases the execute limit by 3% up to 15%, execute is not effective against monsters)
Lvl: 5 Attack Magic CD: 8 sec Skill Delay: 2 sec SP: 240 Range: 6 Cast Time: 3.5
• Hela locks onto an enemy causing it to fall into a sweet nightmare, and Nightmare Scatter deals M. ATK *3000% Poison M. DMG to it and enemies 5 meters around it. For every 10 attribute points reduced from the opponent by interference, an additional 4% of damage is added. If the opponent's remaining HP is less than 10%, they will be executed (each level of [Frustration] increases the execute limit by 3% up to 15%, execute is not effective against monsters)
Lvl: 4 Attack Magic CD: 8 sec Skill Delay: 2 sec SP: 200 Range: 6 Cast Time: 3
• Hela locks onto an enemy causing it to fall into a sweet nightmare, and Nightmare Scatter deals M. ATK *2700% Poison M. DMG to it and enemies 5 meters around it. For every 10 attribute points reduced from the opponent by interference, an additional 4% of damage is added. If the opponent's remaining HP is less than 10%, they will be executed (each level of [Frustration] increases the execute limit by 3% up to 15%, execute is not effective against monsters)
Lvl: 3 Attack Magic CD: 8 sec Skill Delay: 2 sec SP: 160 Range: 6 Cast Time: 2.5
• Hela locks onto an enemy causing it to fall into a sweet nightmare, and Nightmare Scatter deals M. ATK *2400% Poison M. DMG to it and enemies 5 meters around it. For every 10 attribute points reduced from the opponent by interference, an additional 4% of damage is added. If the opponent's remaining HP is less than 10%, they will be executed (each level of [Frustration] increases the execute limit by 3% up to 15%, execute is not effective against monsters)
Lvl: 2 Attack Magic CD: 8 sec Skill Delay: 2 sec SP: 120 Range: 6 Cast Time: 2
• Hela locks onto an enemy causing it to fall into a sweet nightmare, and Nightmare Scatter deals M. ATK *2100% Poison M. DMG to it and enemies 5 meters around it. For every 10 attribute points reduced from the opponent by interference, an additional 4% of damage is added. If the opponent's remaining HP is less than 10%, they will be executed (each level of [Frustration] increases the execute limit by 3% up to 15%, execute is not effective against monsters)
Lvl: 1 Attack Magic CD: 8 sec Skill Delay: 2 sec SP: 80 Range: 6 Cast Time: 1.5
• Hela locks onto an enemy causing it to fall into a sweet nightmare, and Nightmare Scatter deals M. ATK *1800% Poison M. DMG to it and enemies 5 meters around it. For every 10 attribute points reduced from the opponent by interference, an additional 4% of damage is added. If the opponent's remaining HP is less than 10%, they will be executed (each level of [Frustration] increases the execute limit by 3% up to 15%, execute is not effective against monsters)


function CommonFun.calcDamage_64501(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local Int = srcUser:GetProperty("Int")
  local Dex = srcUser:GetProperty("Dex")
  local Vit = srcUser:GetProperty("Vit")
  local Luk = srcUser:GetProperty("Luk")
  local MAtk = srcUser:GetProperty("MAtk")
  local MAtkPer = srcUser:GetProperty("MAtkPer")
  local MDamIncrease = CommonFun.calcMDamIncrease(srcUser, targetUser)
  local IgnoreMDef = srcUser:GetProperty("IgnoreMDef")
  if 1 <= IgnoreMDef then
    IgnoreMDef = 1
  local MRefine = srcUser:GetProperty("MRefine")
  local RangeDam = srcUser:GetProperty("RangeDam")
  local srcAtkElement = CommonFun.GetUserAtkAttr(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam)
  local targetDefElement = targetUser:GetProperty("DefAttr")
  local elementparam2 = CommonFun.CalcElementParam2(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local raceparam = CommonFun.CalcRaceParam(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local raceparam2 = CommonFun.CalcRaceParam2(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local bossparam = CommonFun.CalcBossParam(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local bossparam2 = CommonFun.CalcBossParam2(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local MDef2 = targetUser:GetProperty("MDef")
  local MDefPer2 = targetUser:GetProperty("MDefPer")
  local Vit2 = targetUser:GetProperty("Vit")
  local VitPer2 = targetUser:GetProperty("VitPer")
  local Int2 = targetUser:GetProperty("Int")
  local IntPer2 = targetUser:GetProperty("IntPer")
  local MDamReduc2 = CommonFun.calcMDamReDuc(srcUser, targetUser)
  local RefineMDamReduc = targetUser:GetProperty("RefineMDamReduc")
  local damChangePer = damageParam.damChangePer
  local BaseMAtk = Int + math.floor(Int * Int / 100)
  local MAtkFinal = ((MAtk - BaseMAtk) * (1 + MAtkPer) + BaseMAtk) * raceparam * bossparam * bossparam2
  local MDefReduc = CommonFun.CalcMDef(srcUser, targetUser)
  local Str2 = targetUser:GetProperty("Str")
  local Agi2 = targetUser:GetProperty("Agi")
  local Dex2 = targetUser:GetProperty("Dex")
  local Luk2 = targetUser:GetProperty("Luk")
  local skilllv_bt = srcUser:GetLernedSkillLevel(2622_ARCHBISHOP:CASTIGATE)
  local Luk_Ratio = 1
  if math.min(Str2, Agi2, Vit2, Int2, Dex2, Luk2) == 0 and 0 < skilllv_bt then
    Luk_Ratio = 1 + Luk / 500 * skilllv_bt * 0.1
  if 0 < skilllv_bt and targetUser:GetNpcID() ~= 0 then
    local Point = math.min(math.floor(Dex / 5), math.floor(Int / 5), math.floor(Luk / 5))
    Luk_Ratio = Luk_Ratio + skilllv_bt * 0.002 * Point
  local skillID, skillLevel = CommonFun.UnmergeSkillID(params.skillIDAndLevel)
  if skillID == 2615_HIGH_PRIEST:FATAL_DREAM or skillID == 2633_ARCHBISHOP:FATAL_DREAM then
    local targetid = targetUser:GetGuid()
    local BasicValue = srcUser:GetTarInterferenceValue(targetid)
    damChangePer = damChangePer * (1 + BasicValue / 10 * 0.04)
  if skillID == 2637_ARCHBISHOP:STORM_GUST or skillID == 2639_ARCHBISHOP:HELL_WILD_ROAR then
    local skilllv_jem = srcUser:GetLernedSkillLevel(2612_HIGH_PRIEST:GARM)
    local skilllv_kq = srcUser:GetLernedSkillLevel(2620_ARCHBISHOP:RABIES_VACCINATION)
    damChangePer = (3 + skilllv_jem * 1.3) * (1 + skilllv_kq * 0.03)
  local A = ((MAtkFinal * MDefReduc * (1 - MDamReduc2) + MRefine) * (1 - RefineMDamReduc) * damChangePer * (1 + MDamIncrease) * CommonFun.calcMagicElement(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam) * elementparam2 - Vit2 / 2 * (1 + VitPer2) - Int2 * (1 + IntPer2)) * Luk_Ratio
  if A <= 1 then
    return 1
  return A


  "id": 137090,
  "BuffName": "Fatal Dream",
  "BuffRate": {
    "Odds": {
      "a": 1,
      "b": 0,
      "c": 0,
      "type": 8050
  "BuffEffect": {
    "id": [
    "type": "AddBuff"
  "DeadCanAdd": 1


  "id": 137091,
  "BuffName": "Fatal Dream (Execute)",
  "BuffRate": {
    "Odds": 100
  "BuffEffect": {
    "type": "Kill"
  "BuffStateID": 137091


  "id": 137092,
  "BuffName": "Fatal Dream (Rune)",
  "BuffRate": {
    "Odds": {
      "a": 204101,
      "type": 5000
  "BuffEffect": {
    "type": "DelayNoReliveSenior"
  "DeadCanAdd": 1,
  "BuffStateID": 137092


  "CD": 8,
  "id": 2615010,
  "Buff": {
    "enemy": [
  "Cost": 1,
  "Desc": [
      "id": 2615000,
      "params": [
  "Icon": "skill_2615001",
  "Camps": "Enemy",
  "Level": 10,
  "Logic": "SkillTargetPoint",
  "Damage": [
      "type": 64501,
      "damChangePer": 45,
      "elementparam": 10
  "DescId": "##1284012",
  "NameZh": "##1283869",
  "CastAct": "reading",
  "DamTime": {
    "type": 1,
    "value": 5
  "DelayCD": 2,
  "Fire_EP": 3,
  "Pvp_buff": {
    "enemy": [
  "RollType": 2,
  "AttackAct": [
  "Attack_EP": 4,
  "Lead_Type": {
    "CCT": 0,
    "FCT": 6,
    "type": 2
  "SE_attack": "Skill/Skill_Hero_Hela_Sweetdream_Attack_01",
  "SkillCost": {
    "sp": 440
  "SkillType": "Attack",
  "Target_EP": 3,
  "DamageType": 2,
  "Logic_Param": {
    "count": 1,
    "range": 5,
    "interval": 1,
    "no_select": 1,
    "isCountTrap": 1,
    "must_debuff": 1,
    "oneShotTrap": 1,
    "trap_effect": "sfx_hela_deadly_floor_prf,LowBuff_B",
    "com_cd_skills": [
    "hideClientDamage": 1,
    "fieldarea_cannot_immune": 1
  "Launch_Range": 6