Silence Vow
Lvl: 5 Ghost CD: 20 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 300

Phantom Dancer separates its own Illusion for independent action. The Illusion can't attack or take DMG. If you use this skill again in 11 seconds, the Illusion will disappear, and the real body will transfer where the Illusion was. If the time ends, the Illusion will return to the real body.

Lvl: 4 Ghost CD: 20 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 300
• Phantom Dancer separates its own Illusion for independent action. The Illusion can't attack or take DMG. If you use this skill again in 10 seconds, the Illusion will disappear, and the real body will transfer where the Illusion was. If the time ends, the Illusion will return to the real body.
Lvl: 3 Ghost CD: 20 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 300
• Phantom Dancer separates its own Illusion for independent action. The Illusion can't attack or take DMG. If you use this skill again in 9 seconds, the Illusion will disappear, and the real body will transfer where the Illusion was. If the time ends, the Illusion will return to the real body.
Lvl: 2 Ghost CD: 20 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 300
• Phantom Dancer separates its own Illusion for independent action. The Illusion can't attack or take DMG. If you use this skill again in 8 seconds, the Illusion will disappear, and the real body will transfer where the Illusion was. If the time ends, the Illusion will return to the real body.
Lvl: 1 Ghost CD: 20 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 300
• Phantom Dancer separates its own Illusion for independent action. The Illusion can't attack or take DMG. If you use this skill again in 7 seconds, the Illusion will disappear, and the real body will transfer where the Illusion was. If the time ends, the Illusion will return to the real body.

Inherit Skills

Logic Param

  "id": 4213,
  "BuffName": "Ban Rapid Riding",
  "BuffRate": {
    "Odds": 100

Logic Param

  "id": 132090,
  "BuffDesc": "Illusion Form",
  "BuffIcon": "skillbuff_commonbuff",
  "BuffName": "Dark Shadow Stealth",
  "BuffRate": {
    "Odds": 100
  "IconType": 1,
  "BuffEffect": {
    "type": "LimitUseItem",
    "FuncLimit": [
    "MoveSpdPer": {
      "a": 4227,
      "b": 0.03,
      "c": 0,
      "type": 8
    "NoAttacked": 1,
    "forbid_all": 1

Logic Param

  "id": 132091,
  "BuffName": "Dark Shadow Stealth (Change Icon)",
  "BuffRate": {
    "Odds": 100
  "BuffEffect": {
    "ids": [
    "type": "DynamicSkillConfig",
    "value": "skill_4211001_1",
    "configType": 2

Logic Param

  "id": 132092,
  "BuffName": "Dark Shadow Stealth (Change Body)",
  "BuffRate": {
    "Odds": 100
  "BuffEffect": {
    "Eye": 0,
    "Back": 0,
    "Body": 1996,
    "Face": 0,
    "Hair": 0,
    "Head": 0,
    "Tail": 0,
    "type": "PartTransform",
    "Mount": 0,
    "Mouth": 0,
    "Crystal": 0,
    "LeftHand": 0,
    "priority": 1,
    "RightHand": 0

Logic Param

  "id": 132093,
  "BuffName": "Dark Shadow Stealth (Magic Forbidden)",
  "BuffRate": {
    "Odds": 100
  "BuffEffect": {
    "id": [
    "type": "LimitSkill",
    "IgnoreTarget": 1


  "CD": 20,
  "id": 4213005,
  "Cost": 1,
  "Desc": [
      "id": 4213000,
      "params": [
  "Icon": "skill_4213001",
  "Camps": "Friend",
  "Level": 5,
  "Logic": "SkillNone",
  "DescId": "##171568",
  "NameZh": "##169942",
  "CastAct": "reading",
  "DelayCD": 1,
  "Fire_EP": 6,
  "SE_fire": "Skill/ThrowHelve_attack",
  "ItemCost": [
      "id": 12903,
      "count": 1350
  "AttackAct": [
  "Attack_EP": 2,
  "ForbidUse": 512,
  "SE_attack": "Skill/skill_magic_shadowcreep_attack",
  "SkillCost": {
    "sp": 300
  "SkillType": "Ghost",
  "Target_EP": 3,
  "Logic_Param": {
    "count": 2,
    "buffIDs": [
    "duration": 11,
    "interval": 15,
    "isTimeTrap": 1,
    "male_npcid": 580201,
    "female_npcid": 580202,
    "allowAttackInterrupted": 1
  "Launch_Range": 0,
  "ExtraMaxLevel": 0,
  "AutoCondition_Groove": 1