Tarou Trauma
Lvl: 20 Attack Physical CD: 2 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 40 Range: 5

Summon a Tarou Spirit to attack the enemy, dealing Physical Damage *1100%. Also a 30% chance to leave a bite mark, causing the enemy to lose 3% Max HP per second for 15 seconds. Increasing Agi has a chance of dealing 1.5x damage.

Lvl: 19 Attack Physical CD: 2 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 38 Range: 5
• Summon a Tarou Spirit to attack the enemy, dealing Physical Damage *1080%. Also a 28% chance to leave a bite mark, causing the enemy to lose 3% Max HP per second for 14 seconds. Increasing Agi has a chance of dealing 1.5x damage.
Lvl: 18 Attack Physical CD: 2 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 36 Range: 5
• Summon a Tarou Spirit to attack the enemy, dealing Physical Damage *1060%. Also a 26% chance to leave a bite mark, causing the enemy to lose 3% Max HP per second for 13 seconds. Increasing Agi has a chance of dealing 1.5x damage.
Lvl: 17 Attack Physical CD: 2 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 34 Range: 5
• Summon a Tarou Spirit to attack the enemy, dealing Physical Damage *1040%. Also a 24% chance to leave a bite mark, causing the enemy to lose 3% Max HP per second for 12 seconds. Increasing Agi has a chance of dealing 1.5x damage.
Lvl: 16 Attack Physical CD: 2 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 32 Range: 5
• Summon a Tarou Spirit to attack the enemy, dealing Physical Damage *1020%. Also a 22% chance to leave a bite mark, causing the enemy to lose 3% Max HP per second for 11 seconds. Increasing Agi has a chance of dealing 1.5x damage.
Lvl: 15 Attack Physical CD: 2 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 30 Range: 5
• Summon a Tarou Spirit to attack the enemy, dealing Physical Damage *1000%. Also a 20% chance to leave a bite mark, causing the enemy to lose 3% Max HP per second for 10 seconds. Increasing Agi has a chance of dealing 1.5x damage.
Lvl: 14 Attack Physical CD: 2 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 28 Range: 5
• Summon a Tarou Spirit to attack the enemy, dealing Physical Damage *980%. Also a 18% chance to leave a bite mark, causing the enemy to lose 3% Max HP per second for 9 seconds. Increasing Agi has a chance of dealing 1.5x damage.
Lvl: 13 Attack Physical CD: 2 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 26 Range: 5
• Summon a Tarou Spirit to attack the enemy, dealing Physical Damage *960%. Also a 16% chance to leave a bite mark, causing the enemy to lose 3% Max HP per second for 8 seconds. Increasing Agi has a chance of dealing 1.5x damage.
Lvl: 12 Attack Physical CD: 2 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 24 Range: 5
• Summon a Tarou Spirit to attack the enemy, dealing Physical Damage *940%. Also a 14% chance to leave a bite mark, causing the enemy to lose 3% Max HP per second for 7 seconds. Increasing Agi has a chance of dealing 1.5x damage.
Lvl: 11 Attack Physical CD: 2 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 22 Range: 5
• Summon a Tarou Spirit to attack the enemy, dealing Physical Damage *920%. Also a 12% chance to leave a bite mark, causing the enemy to lose 3% Max HP per second for 6 seconds. Increasing Agi has a chance of dealing 1.5x damage.
Lvl: 10 Attack Physical CD: 2 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 20 Range: 5
• Summons a Tarou spirit to attack the enemy, dealing Atk x900% physical damage. Has a 10% chance to leave a scar, making the enemy lose 3% HP every second for 5 seconds. The higher your Agi, the higher your chance to deal 1.5x damage.
Lvl: 9 Attack Physical CD: 2 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 19 Range: 5
• Summons a Tarou spirit to attack the enemy, dealing Atk x850% physical damage. Has a 10% chance to leave a scar, making the enemy lose 3% HP every second for 5 seconds. The higher your Agi, the higher your chance to deal 1.5x damage.
Lvl: 8 Attack Physical CD: 2 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 18 Range: 5
• Summons a Tarou spirit to attack the enemy, dealing Atk x800% physical damage. Has a 10% chance to leave a scar, making the enemy lose 3% HP every second for 5 seconds. The higher your Agi, the higher your chance to deal 1.5x damage.
Lvl: 7 Attack Physical CD: 2 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 17 Range: 5
• Summons a Tarou spirit to attack the enemy, dealing Atk x750% physical damage. Has a 10% chance to leave a scar, making the enemy lose 3% HP every second for 5 seconds. The higher your Agi, the higher your chance to deal 1.5x damage.
Lvl: 6 Attack Physical CD: 2 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 16 Range: 5
• Summons a Tarou spirit to attack the enemy, dealing Atk x700% physical damage. Has a 10% chance to leave a scar, making the enemy lose 3% HP every second for 5 seconds. The higher your Agi, the higher your chance to deal 1.5x damage.
Lvl: 5 Attack Physical CD: 2 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 15 Range: 5
• Summons a Tarou spirit to attack the enemy, dealing Atk x650% physical damage. Has a 10% chance to leave a scar, making the enemy lose 3% HP every second for 5 seconds. The higher your Agi, the higher your chance to deal 1.5x damage.
Lvl: 4 Attack Physical CD: 2 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 14 Range: 5
• Summons a Tarou spirit to attack the enemy, dealing Atk x600% physical damage. Has a 10% chance to leave a scar, making the enemy lose 3% HP every second for 5 seconds. The higher your Agi, the higher your chance to deal 1.5x damage.
Lvl: 3 Attack Physical CD: 2 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 13 Range: 5
• Summons a Tarou spirit to attack the enemy, dealing Atk x550% physical damage. Has a 10% chance to leave a scar, making the enemy lose 3% HP every second for 5 seconds. The higher your Agi, the higher your chance to deal 1.5x damage.
Lvl: 2 Attack Physical CD: 2 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 12 Range: 5
• Summons a Tarou spirit to attack the enemy, dealing Atk x500% physical damage. Has a 10% chance to leave a scar, making the enemy lose 3% HP every second for 5 seconds. The higher your Agi, the higher your chance to deal 1.5x damage.
Lvl: 1 Attack Physical CD: 2 sec Skill Delay: 1 sec SP: 11 Range: 5
• Summons a Tarou spirit to attack the enemy, dealing Atk x450% physical damage. Has a 10% chance to leave a scar, making the enemy lose 3% HP every second for 5 seconds. The higher your Agi, the higher your chance to deal 1.5x damage.


• Tarou Trauma - Effect Tarou Trauma DMG + 7%
• Tarou Trauma - Scar Tarou Trauma's chance of biting scar increases 3%


function CommonFun.calcDamage_15102(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local Str = srcUser:GetProperty("Str")
  local Dex = srcUser:GetProperty("Dex")
  local Luk = srcUser:GetProperty("Luk")
  local Atk = srcUser:GetProperty("Atk")
  local AtkPer = srcUser:GetProperty("AtkPer")
  local DamIncrease = srcUser:GetProperty("DamIncrease")
  local IgnoreDef = 0
  local IgnoreDef1 = srcUser:GetProperty("IgnoreDef")
  local IgnoreDef2 = srcUser:GetProperty("IgnoreEquipDef")
  if targetUser.boss or targetUser.mini then
    IgnoreDef = IgnoreDef1
    IgnoreDef = IgnoreDef1 + IgnoreDef2
  if 1 <= IgnoreDef then
    IgnoreDef = 1
  local Refine = srcUser:GetProperty("Refine")
  local AttrEffect = srcUser:GetProperty("AttrEffect")
  local bits = CommonFun.getBits(AttrEffect)
  local Def2 = targetUser:GetProperty("Def")
  local DefPer2 = targetUser:GetProperty("DefPer")
  local Vit2 = targetUser:GetProperty("Vit")
  local VitPer2 = targetUser:GetProperty("VitPer")
  local DamReduc2 = CommonFun.calcDamReDuc(srcUser, targetUser)
  local LongRangeDamReduc2 = targetUser:GetProperty("LongRangeDamReduc")
  local RefineDamReduc = targetUser:GetProperty("RefineDamReduc")
  local damChangePer = damageParam.damChangePer
  local raceparam = CommonFun.CalcRaceParam(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local bodyparam = CommonFun.CalcBodyParam(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local elementparam = CommonFun.CalcElementParam(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local bossparam = CommonFun.CalcBossParam(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local raceparam2 = CommonFun.CalcRaceParam2(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local bodyparam2 = CommonFun.CalcBodyParam2(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local elementparam2 = CommonFun.CalcElementParam2(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local bossparam2 = CommonFun.CalcBossParam2(srcUser, targetUser, params, damageParam, logger)
  local BaseAtk = Dex * 2 + math.floor(Dex * Dex / 100) + math.floor(Str / 5) + math.floor(Luk / 5)
  local Hp = srcUser:GetProperty("Hp")
  local MaxHp = srcUser:GetProperty("MaxHp")
  local Num_sm = srcUser:GetRunePoint(153037_AESIR_LIFE_SOUL_DEALS_EXTRA_DMG_OF_1_5_OF_THE_MAX_HP)
  local skilllv_1 = srcUser:GetLernedSkillLevel(1638_BLADE_SOUL:LIFE_SOUL)
  local HpDamage = 0
  local mapid, maptype = srcUser:GetMapInfo()
  local pvpRatio = 1
  if maptype == PVP_MAPS then
    pvpRatio = 0.25
  local Fifth = 0
  if srcUser:HasBuffID(90004604_FINE_PINK_FOX_GRASS_1_T5_:MAX_STACK_0) then
    Fifth = Fifth + 0.14
  if 0 < skilllv_1 then
    HpDamage = (Hp * (skilllv_1 * 0.016 + 0.04 + Fifth) + MaxHp * Num_sm * 0.015) / damChangePer * pvpRatio
  local AtkFinal = (((Atk - BaseAtk) * (1 + AtkPer) + HpDamage) * CommonFun.ShapeCorrection(srcUser, targetUser) * bodyparam * elementparam * elementparam2 + BaseAtk) * raceparam * bossparam * bossparam2
  local DefReduc = CommonFun.CalcDef(srcUser, targetUser)
  local A = (AtkFinal * DefReduc * (1 - DamReduc2) + Refine) * damChangePer * (1 + DamIncrease - LongRangeDamReduc2) * (1 - RefineDamReduc) - Vit2 * (1 + VitPer2)
  local skillID, skillLevel = CommonFun.UnmergeSkillID(params.skillIDAndLevel)
  if skillID == 1617_BLADE_SOUL:TAROU_TRAUMA then
    local Num = srcUser:GetRunePoint(153020_AESIR_TAROU_TRAUMA_DMG_7)
    local RuneDam = 1 + Num * 0.07
    local GemBaishu = srcUser:GetGemValue(153071_TAROU_TRAUMA_DAMAGE_PERCENTAGE)
    A = ((AtkFinal * DefReduc * (1 - DamReduc2) + Refine) * damChangePer * (1 + DamIncrease - LongRangeDamReduc2) * (1 - RefineDamReduc) - Vit2 * (1 + VitPer2)) * RuneDam * (1 + GemBaishu / 100000)
  local ValueCri = srcUser:GetGemValue(153041_BRUTE_ATTACK_SKILL_CRITICAL_CHANCE_PERCENTAGE)
  local ValueCriDam = srcUser:GetGemValue(153042_BRUTE_ATTACK_SKILL_CRITICAL_DAMAGE_PERCENTAGE)
  local Agi = srcUser:GetProperty("Agi")
  local CriRate = math.min(Agi / 3 + 5 + ValueCri / 1000, 100)
  local shadow = 1
  if srcUser:GetTempSkillSlaveID() == 806612 then
    shadow = 1 + GemNew / 100000
  if A <= 1 then
    return 1
  if CommonFun.IsInRate(CriRate, srcUser:GetRandom()) then
    return A * (1.5 + ValueCriDam / 100000) * shadow, CommonFun.DamageType.Crit
  return A * shadow

Enemy 6

function CommonFun.calcBuff_6(srcUser, targetUser, a, b, c, d, lv)
  if srcUser == nil or targetUser == nil then
    return 0
  local MaxHp = targetUser:GetProperty("MaxHp")
  local A = MaxHp * (a + c) + b
  if 0 < A or a == 0 then
    return A
  if srcUser:GetNpcID() == 0 and targetUser:HasBuffID(160000_BOSS_IMMUNE_EFFECT_:MAX_STACK_0) and targetUser.boss == false and targetUser.mini == false then
    return 0
  if srcUser:GetNpcID() == 0 and (targetUser.boss or targetUser.mini) then
    local Vit = srcUser:GetProperty("Vit")
    local MAtk = srcUser:GetProperty("MAtk")
    local MAtkPer = srcUser:GetProperty("MAtkPer")
    local Refine = srcUser:GetProperty("Refine")
    local MRefine = srcUser:GetProperty("MRefine")
    local Def2 = targetUser:GetProperty("Def")
    local DefPer2 = targetUser:GetProperty("DefPer")
    local MDef2 = targetUser:GetProperty("MDef")
    local MDefPer2 = targetUser:GetProperty("MDefPer")
    local Vit2 = targetUser:GetProperty("Vit")
    local VitPer2 = targetUser:GetProperty("VitPer")
    local DamReduc2 = CommonFun.calcDamReDuc(srcUser, targetUser)
    local RefineDamReduc = targetUser:GetProperty("RefineDamReduc")
    local Int2 = targetUser:GetProperty("Int")
    local IntPer2 = targetUser:GetProperty("IntPer")
    local MDamReduc2 = CommonFun.calcMDamReDuc(srcUser, targetUser)
    local RefineMDamReduc = targetUser:GetProperty("RefineMDamReduc")
    local Str = srcUser:GetProperty("Str")
    local Dex = srcUser:GetProperty("Dex")
    local Luk = srcUser:GetProperty("Luk")
    local Atk = srcUser:GetProperty("Atk")
    local AtkPer = srcUser:GetProperty("AtkPer")
    local DamIncrease = srcUser:GetProperty("DamIncrease")
    local MDamIncrease = CommonFun.calcMDamIncrease(srcUser, targetUser)
    local IgnoreDef = srcUser:GetProperty("IgnoreDef")
    if 1 <= IgnoreDef then
      IgnoreDef = 1
    local IgnoreMDef = srcUser:GetProperty("IgnoreMDef")
    if 1 <= IgnoreMDef then
      IgnoreMDef = 1
    local raceparam = 1
    local srcRace = srcUser.race
    local targetRace = targetUser.race
    elseif srcUser:HasBuffID(49320_RACIAL_ANCIENT_RELICS_PERMANENT_:MAX_STACK_0) then
      targetRace = 2
    if targetUser:HasBuffID(49320_RACIAL_ANCIENT_RELICS_PERMANENT_:MAX_STACK_0) and targetUser:HasBuffID(49325_RACIAL_ANCIENT_RELICS_CD_:MAX_STACK_0) then
    elseif targetUser:HasBuffID(49320_RACIAL_ANCIENT_RELICS_PERMANENT_:MAX_STACK_0) then
      srcRace = 2
    if nil == CommonFun.RaceProps[targetRace] then
      return 0
    if nil == CommonFun.RaceProps[srcRace] then
      return 0
    local raceInc = srcUser:GetProperty(CommonFun.RaceProps[targetRace][1])
    local raceRed = targetUser:GetProperty(CommonFun.RaceProps[srcRace][2])
    local raceparam = 1 + raceInc - raceRed
    if raceparam <= 0.1 then
      raceparam = 0.1
    local MAtkFinal = MAtk * (1 + MAtkPer) * CommonFun.ShapeCorrection(srcUser, targetUser) * raceparam
    local AtkFinal = Atk * (1 + AtkPer) * CommonFun.ShapeCorrection(srcUser, targetUser) * raceparam
    if MAtkFinal <= AtkFinal then
      local DefReduc = CommonFun.CalcDef(srcUser, targetUser)
      A = (AtkFinal * DefReduc * (1 - DamReduc2) + Refine) * a * 100 * (1 - RefineDamReduc) * (1 + DamIncrease) - Vit2 * (1 + VitPer2) + b
      local MDefReduc = CommonFun.CalcMDef(srcUser, targetUser)
      A = (MAtkFinal * MDefReduc * (1 - MDamReduc2) + MRefine) * a * 100 * (1 - RefineMDamReduc) * (1 + MDamIncrease) - Vit2 / 2 * (1 + VitPer2) - Int2 * (1 + IntPer2) + b
  local AttrFunction = srcUser:GetProperty("AttrFunction")
  local bitfunc = CommonFun.getBits(AttrFunction)
  if (targetUser.boss or targetUser.mini or targetUser.changelinepunish) and (targetUser.zoneType == 1 or targetUser.zoneType == 22) and targetUser.noPunishBoss == false and bitfunc[CommonFun.AttrFunction.JustInViceZone] == 1 and targetUser.isBossFromBranch == false then
    A = 0
  if targetUser.boss and targetUser.zoneType == 22 and CommonFun.CheckStormBossMiss(targetUser, srcUser) then
    A = 0
  if targetUser:GetNpcID() == 30043_YEAR or targetUser:GetNpcID() == 280303_WILDNESS_SPIRIT_BEAST or targetUser:GetNpcID() == 56008_GOMORA or targetUser:GetNpcID() == 56009_BALTAN or targetUser:GetNpcID() == 56010_GOLZA or targetUser:GetNpcID() == 56011_BEMSTAR or targetUser:GetNpcID() == 56012_ELEKING or targetUser:GetNpcID() == 56013_KING_JOE then
    A = -1
  if targetUser:DamageAlways1() then
    A = -1
  return A


  "id": 123080,
  "BuffDesc": "Continuously losing HP.",
  "BuffIcon": "skillbuff_1617001",
  "BuffName": "Tarou Trauma",
  "BuffRate": {
    "Odds": {
      "type": 5450
  "BuffType": {
    "isgain": 0,
    "isdisperse": 1
  "IconType": 1,
  "BuffEffect": {
    "Hp": {
      "a": -0.03,
      "b": 0,
      "type": 6
    "type": "HSPChange"
  "BuffStateID": 123080


  "CD": 2,
  "id": 1617020,
  "Buff": {
    "enemy": [
  "Cost": 1,
  "Desc": [
      "id": 1617001,
      "params": [
  "Icon": "skill_1617001",
  "Camps": "Enemy",
  "Level": 20,
  "Logic": "SkillLockedTarget",
  "Damage": [
      "type": 15102,
      "damChangePer": 11
  "DescId": "##170413",
  "NameZh": "##159779",
  "SE_hit": "Skill/Skill_monster_Doram_mouse_hit",
  "CastAct": "skill_ready",
  "DamTime": {
    "type": 1,
    "value": 2
  "DelayCD": 1,
  "Fire_EP": 3,
  "Pvp_buff": {
    "enemy": [
  "RollType": 1,
  "AttackAct": [
  "Attack_EP": 4,
  "PeakLevel": 10,
  "SkillCost": {
    "sp": 40
  "SkillType": "Attack",
  "Target_EP": 3,
  "DamageType": 5,
  "Logic_Param": {
    "emit": {
      "type": 1,
      "speed": 30,
      "effect": "Eff_Doram_mouse_atk,LowFire_B"
  "Launch_Range": 5